Working primarily from a Feminist and Narrative perspective, my passion in life is helping my clients reject the idea that there is a single “right” way to solve problems so that they feel brave enough take control of their own stories rather than live subjected to the ones they think were created for them. As an African American woman, I also embrace the role that culture and gender play in creating our struggles, as well as manifesting our resiliency. Contact me for a free consultation.
Virtual Therapy Services
Virtual therapy (also known as online therapy or teletherapy) sessions work much the same way as traditional therapy sessions with only one significant difference – the therapist and the client are not in the same room. Using a secure and private video platform, I can interact with clients using most of the same traditional techniques and activities I would use in a face-to-face therapy session.
In-home Therapy Services
In-home therapy sessions takes place at your home rather than in a traditional office. Whether gathered around the dining room table or sitting comfortably in the living room, in-home therapy allows individuals, couples, or families to enjoy the convenience of having in-person therapy sessions in the comfort of their own homes. When I conduct in-home sessions I have the opportunity to observe how people behave and interact in their natural environment.
Premarital Counseling
Research shows that couples who participate in premarital counseling have lower rates of divorce after marriage. I offer premarital counseling that typically lasts about 8 sessions and follows a structure in which we discuss a different topic (or 2) each hour. While the topics include ones that are important for all couples to talk about prior to marriage such as communication, sex, family planning, finances, and overall marriage expectations, they can certainly be tailored to meet each couples’ specific needs. Sessions can be done virtually or in-person.
Clinical Supervision
I believe that effective supervisions should be transformational—“The acid test of how effective supervision is is simple: What are you doing differently now that you were not doing before supervision?” (Carroll, 2010). As a BBS-approved clinical supervisor I use a Developmental Model, taking into account each of my supervisee’s level of training, experience, and proficiency when identifying goals and needs. While ensuring that all of my supervisees are working within the state’s legal and ethical guidelines, I also prioritize building culturally competent practice, managing countertrasnference, and addressing compassion fatigue.
Workshops & Trainings
I offer interactive trainings and workshops for groups across a variety of professional fields, including college students, educators, parents, and other mental health providers. Click here to see a description of topics I’ve previously presented or contact me so that we can discuss the unique needs of your audience.